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From: Jenna
HI, My name is Jenna, and I am 19. I know how scary this all can be trust me. I also experience the dizzy when i dont eat and when im on my period. The not eating happens to a lot of people, all of my family for example. I always carry peanut butter crackers around with me, just in case I feel dizzy the protein will help give you more engery untill you can get some food. When you feel like that because you havnt eatin try not to eat a lot of sugar because it burns really fast and it wont hold you over. Also, the period thing, when you get your period do you have really bad cramps?? I did which would cause me to pass out every time i got it. I went on birth control to help and it has. When you have your period you are loosing so much fluid, you have to make sure you drink a lot of water or gateraid is also a big help. Some people can have just a few episodes or you can be like me and have a bunch. You will just have to wait and see if it happens again and how soon. I keep a record of when it happens that way you know if it is somthing you should get checked out or if it just happens when your on your period. Sorry i dont know anything about the heart condition. Hope this helps.