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From: Jeanne
What is IBS? After my episode in December I haven't had a full blown one but lately I am waking up every night around 1:30 or 2 p.m. and feel like I am going to pass out. My heart races and I am dizzy when I move. What I've been doing is taking some advice from this forum and getting down on the floor asapand putting my legs up on the bed. I stay there for a while. Usually I need to urinate so I eventually make my way crawling to the bathroom and keep my head down. When I'm done, then I don't feel like lying down again so I go to a recliner and put pillows under my legs (fortunately my husband helps with all this) and watch tv for an hour to distract me. I have fluid I drink (water, gatorade). So far I have avoided a full blown faint since December but this is getting very old fast. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.