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From: jwerner50@aol.com
Re_ passing out on a plane----- Dear Mpeace. My first VV reaction was very similar to yours. I had pneumonia and went from coughing to passing out. I think this happened 2 or 3 times. Then over about a 10 year span I have passed out about 3 times laughing hard and then about 1 year ago I had an episode on an airplane where I got sweaty and my BP dropped to 50 over 80 and stayed there for several hours during which time I was SOOOO week. I had probably flown 700,000 mile prior to that and maybe 50,000 miles since and never had the experience again. I read on one sight that one with NMH should NOT sit cramped up for three hours but move AROUND some in the plane to assure good blood flow. My cardiologist has found no issues with my system other than having VV responses occasionally.