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From: Tim
It has been some time that I have been diagnosed with vasovagal...But my story is about 4 years ago,I started fainting about 5 times a week or so I was sent to this little cute Cardio doctor (120 lb at the most) My weight is around 300 lb. I went through a serious of tests that showed no heart condition.I was sitting in her office, she asked me to step in the back room for a physical. I was standing and she was listening to my heart. I tried to tell her "I feel dizzy and butterflies in my stomach." All I remember next was her screaming for help!! I fainted on top of her. I woke up with her underneath me. I was sent for a tilt table study that was positive. A pacemaker was decided to be put in...This stops my blood pressure from dropping past a certain point.I nolonger have syncope but I still have pre-scyncope spells..p.s. I hate salt