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From: moosecabin2001@yahoo.com
Kathy my daughter had her first episode of "fainting" at school, she had been diagnosed with a right ovarian cyst 1 month prior to this and started on birth control pills. Naturally the MD's and I blamed the cyst or possibly the "pill." We stopped the pill. But over the next 2 months my daughter was taken back into the ER 3 more times, and I was told by paramedics that they were "bagging" her because her oxygen level was so low, when she passed out . By the time I would get to ER she was basically "fine", every test, lab ect. was normal. Our regular MD told us that he had started seeing many young girls(14-20's) with these passing out episodes. We had a tilt table and she was diagnosed with "vaso vagal depressor syncope" she was put on Florienef, a medication to help her retain some extra fluid thus keeping her blood pressure higher.She has done fine with this and has no "weight" gain. But she was with friends and laid down ,when they went to awake her they could not, and she then went into a "seizure."we have had lab work including drug screens, EEG,EKG, even stayed at hospital for 24hour EEG monitoring, CTscans, MRI you name it. EVERYTHING is negative, she was even put on Tegreto(to control seizures).She had Tegretol stopped when nothing diagnosing seizures was found.She has recently had another episode of not being able to be awakened after lieing down, and then going into seizure activity. They tell us we need to get her to a psychologist for "stress management" but yet they want to start her on Tegretol again!! We are waiting to see our regular MD again, and I am "asking" him to have us see a cardiologist.I am very impressed that your doctor is already pursuing the route he is, I wish both of you the very, very best!!! My daughter wants to be a firefighter, and has had the doctors, and others tell her that with all her "problems" she should pursue another route.As a mother to see something your child has dreamed of start slipping out the window,is very heart breaking. My main concern though is how my daughter is getting worse and not better, please keep me posted, and I to will post as we find things out. You are not alone, you are in my prayers, and if there is one thing I've learned to from this forum is to be "PERSISTENT" and follow "YOUR INSTINCTS."