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From: NancyC
When you feel that "chill" you could be having a fever. Take your temperature. And take your temp. often and especially when you find yourself on the floor drenched in sweat. What good is this? Well it won't stop the episodes, but it is one more symptom to report that I feel is of significance. You can read my history 9/23/03. My daughter took my temp. and it was 105F but it may have been inaccurate because she thought she should wash the thermometer first! but she said it was cool water. Anyway, our body temp., stomach(nausea), head, heart, blood pressure, vagus nerve is all networked together some way. You are 54, ask your doctor if is time to take that "daily aspirin." Maybe it will help you regulate your body temp. so you won't have the episodes. Good Luck.