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From: Alice in New Orleans
I had an episode yesterday that was classic. These have ben happenming to me for about 15 years now, although fortunately they happen only ~once/yr. The episode yesterday was the first in 3 years. I was driving w/ a friend in the car and that familiar tiredness/pre-pass out feeling literally flooded over me. I pulled over just in time. My legs began convulsing and I went white as a ghost. I did not completely lose connsciousness, although I often do when this happens. I reclined in the passenger seat while my friend drove the rest of the way. I felt better 5 or 10 minutes later, but still exhausted. When I got home I slept for 14 hours. Possible triggering factors? Dehydration, soon to start period, stress at work. But after my internist said that almost anything can trigger an episode like this, I am very unsure what to avoid and what not to bother avoiding. Thankfully these episodes are infrequent and have usually happened with other people nearby. Has anyone determined what causes or can contribute to causing these episodes.