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From: amy_elizabeth03@hotmail.com
I am 20 years old and had never had a vv attack until I had my blood drawn 7 years ago, I fainted and ever since then I cannot stand needles, hospitals, doctors offices etc. I recently went to go pick my mom up from the hospital as she was having a routine exam. I went back to the recovery room to get her. I was fine until I saw her in the recovery bed and then I looked around and relized where I was and then I caught sight of the bucket where they dispose of used needles and I had to sit down. I only usually get dizzy, light headed and feel like I am going to faint. I can't get shots and I cant look at things like bruises from getting your blood drawn or cuts. My friend had ear surgery and wanted to take off the bandage and show me but I said no cause I knew I would faint and actually just thinking about seeing it made me a little faint. I am about to start a dental assisting program and fear that I wont be able to handle it. I am affriad I wont be able to handle the needles and the paintents in pain etc. Is there somthing I can do, can I talk myself out of it or go get hypnotized!! I hate having this and wish I could get over it!!!