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I was told yesterday by a cardiologist that I have this syndrome. 10 years ago I was worked up for documented v-tach. A life threatening v-tach was neg after EP studies. I cont to have clusters of episodes where I feel I am going to faint, they occur randomly, but it is the ones I have while driving that truly concern me. My treatment to putting a stop or reduce the episodes to these is to increase my salt intake,wear elastic stockings, drink more fluids and try to lie down when they occur. These episodes paralyze me. I would like to know what others have been told to try to reduce their occurences of these vagal episodes. How common is this syndrome? I was initially told to go on a benzodiazepine. I am a 44 yo female, I consider myself healthy, weigh 115lbs, active. Supposedly these episodes do not occur while exercising. Is that your opinion also?